The Tulane Office of Medical Education held an event on April 6
th regarding the history of the Charity Hospital System in Louisiana. The speakers were the co-authors of a new book on the topic, Dr. Jonathan Roberts and Dr. Thomas J. Durant, Jr. A limited number of signed editions of the book,
A History of the Charity Hospitals of Louisiana: A study of Poverty, Politics, Public health, and the Public Interest are available for sale in the
Tulane University Health Sciences Center Bookstore.
A table of contents for the book is
available on the publisher's website,
Mellen Press.
The Rudolph Matas Library had a display of Charity Hospital images and items from the historical collection.
A copy of the book is available in the Rudolph Matas Library. It is currently located on General Reserve for use within the Library - WZ 24 R6431 2010
Image of Dr. Jonathan Roberts (center front) and Dr. Thomas J. Durant, Jr. signing books after the book presentation event on April 6, 2010.