December 1, 2007 marked the 20th observance of World AIDS Day. The World Health Organization established World AIDS Day in 1988. World AIDS Day provides governments, national AIDS programs, faith organizations, community organizations, and individuals with an opportunity to raise awareness and focus attention on the global AIDS epidemic. In 2007, the estimated number of persons living with HIV worldwide was 33.2 million and there were 2.1 million AIDS deaths.
Additional information regarding World AIDS Day and HIV prevention is available:
- www.who.int/hiv : World Health Organization (WHO) and HIV AIDS
- www.cdc.gov/hiv: Centers for Disease Control (CDC) HIV site
- http://www.aids.gov/: a gateway to all Federal domestic information on HIV/AIDS prevention, testing, treatment, research, policies and resources.
- http://www.pepfar.gov/: President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.
- http://www.hivtest.org/: HIV testing resources. Enter your zip code to find an HIV testing site near you!