Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Drug Resources: Beyond the PDR

The Rudolph Matas Library has many excellent pharmaceutical resources available electronically.

MD Consult - Search the "Drugs" tab at the main page
STAT!Ref - Includes DrugPoints System, Litt's Drug Eruption Reference Manual and USP DI Advice for the Patient. You may search multiple sources simultaneously.

(in R2 Books) AHFS DI is an unbiased source of drug information and includes evidence-based data.

*Goodman & Gilman's Pharmacology - (in AccessMedicine)

* Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs - (in Science Direct)

All of the e-books above and more may also be located by searching the Library Catalog. "IF OFF-CAMPUS" you must authenticate at the key on the Library Homepage.