A seminar, More than MEDLINE: Resources for Researchers, has recently been offered by the Matas Library at the Tulane National Primate Research Center and also in the Biochemistry Department. Please contact the Matas Librarians if you are interested in this seminar or other topics of interest, such as our highly praised workshops on Citation Management (RefWorks and End Note).
The Matas Library's new Teaching Lab is NOW available for reservations and may be reserved for both Matas Library instruction and other Tulane classes (up to 17 hands-ons).
Remember that library seminars may be tailored to your specific needs. The sessions may be scheduled in your department or in the Library's new teaching lab on the Mezzanine in the Matas Library (M207).
Ask US! We Can Help!photo: TNPRC, Sept.30, 2009