Ovid Gateway products will migrate to their new platform, OvidSP, as of February 4th, 2008.
We are hoping that the migration will go smoothly. There are some changes and we will be conducting classes and also working with Ovid searchers one on one to answer any questions.
OvidSPD contains:
Medline (1950 – present)
Evidence Based Medicine- EBM Reviews (Cochrane, DSR, Journal Club, DARE and CCTR)
Global Health (1973 - )
Ovid Healthstar (1966- )
Ovid full-text Journals
In addition to the Ovid Full Text, Linking is available to the many Tulane licensed Full-text journals via the TULink.
We hope that everyone is having a Happy Mardi Gras!! Call us on Wednesday, February 6th when we return to the Library after Mardi Gras with your questions and comments.