SCImago Journal and Country Rank is an alternative database of journal citation metrics developed by researchers. Until very recently, the
ISI Web of Knowledge, Journal Citation Reports (JCR) has been the standard for the ranking of journals (impact factors). Unlike ISI's
JCR (available by Tulane license),
SCImago is freely available online. In addition to being free,
SCImago offers some other improvements:
- SCImago makes use of data supplied by Scopus which covers 13,000 journals, including many journals not tracked by ISI's JCR. Scopus adds open access titles to its database on an annual basis, and so SCImago contains reliable data for the open access journals.
- The SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) approach weights citations from journals according to how highly cited the journal is, using an iterative approach.
- SJR calculation looks at citations made in a three year period which provides a more stable indicator of trends than impact factors.
Another free ranking service is available - which launched last year with a similar approach. See our previous post:
Journal Ranking Systems, Journal Citation Reports (ISI) and Eigenfactor